资源简介 (共25张PPT)(苏教版译林)三年级上Unit 8 I can do this for you.(Lead in &Cartoon time)Let’s sing.Free talk.singdancedrawswimWhat can you do 小朋友们,你们会做什么呢?I can….Look and say.Today Liu Tao’s family get together.Where Who Liu TaobrothercousinmotheruncleauntgrandmafathercousinEnjoy and think.What can the children do for their family 孩子们能为家人做什么呢?Enjoy and think.What can the children do for their family 孩子们能为家人做什么呢?singdrawdanceclean the tabletake picturesLet’s chant.Read and think.Watch and think.What can Bobby do for his family Bobby能为家人做些什么呢?Watch and think.What can Bobby do for his family Bobby能为家人做些什么呢?Bobby can for his family.dance and drawWatch and think.Bobby’s picture is for .grandpaRead and answer.Can Bobby dance and draw well Bobby跳舞、画画好吗?细读课文,圈出关键句头晕目眩的Read and think.Why does Bobby try Bobby为什么尝试为爷爷做这些事情?lovesRead and think.Why is Grandpa still happy 为什么爷爷还是很开心?loves……Happy reading.Happy reading.Happy reading.Show time.小组合作完成哦!Read and write.XL 加大号km 千米UK 英国UN 联合国X-ray X光kg 千克Think and say.What can you do for your grandpa and grandma daily life日常生活play togetherread togetherwalk togetherWe all love each other.We are happy together.Homework.1. Try to enrich Cartoon time and act it out.2. Read and write the letters “X x, Y y, Z z” twice.3. Make a drawing and talk about what you can dofor your grandpa and grandma.(你能为爷爷奶奶做些什么呢?画一画并说一说。)https://www.21cnjy.com/recruitment/home/fine 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源列表 Cartoon time.mp4 Cartoon time音频.mp3 Lead in音频.mp3 U8导入歌曲视频.mp4 Unit8 I can do this for you. (Lead in &Cartoon)课件.pptx 三上U8Lead in.mp4 导入歌曲I can。。。。.mp4