读名著学读后续写 绿山墙的安妮第5-8章 讲义 2025届高考英语复习

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读名著学读后续写 绿山墙的安妮第5-8章 讲义 2025届高考英语复习


剧情梗概 (Chapter 4-8, Part 1)
Anne结识了她的邻居Diana,并和她成为了好朋友。 她们一起去学校上学。Anne在学校里认识许多同学,他们对她十分友好。然而,喜欢恶作剧的Gilbert取笑了Anne,这让她非常愤怒以至于用写字板砸了他的头,Anne因此被老师罚站在讲台上。第二天,Anne因为迟到被老师安排坐在Gilbert的旁边。Anne因为承受不住这样的打击,便不去上学。Diana过来做客,Anne殷勤好客,却误把葡萄酒当作覆盆子甜酒来招待Diana,她喝了三大杯后酒醉不醒,让她的母亲很生Anne的气,不再让她们继续往来,这让Anne伤心欲绝。
She was a tall black-eyed, black-haired woman, with a very resolute mouth.
She was a very pretty little girl with her mother's black eyes and hair, and rosy cheeks, and the merry expression which was her inheritance from her father.
她是个漂亮的女孩子,有着母亲的黑眼睛、黑头发和红扑扑的脸颊,而那愉悦的神情则 来自父亲。
He was a tall boy, with curly brown hair, roguish hazel eyes, and a mouth twisted into a teasing smile.
With her chin propped on her hands and her eyes fixed on the blue glimpse of the Lake of Shing waters that the west window afforded, she was far away in a gorgeous dreamland hearing and seeing nothing save her own wonderful visions.
她双手托腮,眼睛凝视着西窗外银波湖上蓝莹莹的波光,神游在遥远而美丽的梦幻岛 ——除了自己的美妙幻想,她什么也听不到,什么也看不到。
...but when she met Gilbert Blythe on the road or encountered him in Sunday school she passed him by with an icy contempt that was no whit thawed by his evident desire to appease her. Even Diana's efforts as a peacemaker were of no avail. Anne had evidently made up her mind to hate Gilbert Blythe to the end of life.
不过,每当在路上或在主日学校遇到吉尔伯特·布莱斯,她总是面带冰冷的轻蔑跟他擦 肩而过,丝毫不为他明显的示好所动。就连和事佬戴安娜的百般努力也都白费了,安妮 显然已经下定决心,到死都要恨吉尔伯特·布莱斯。
She flung herself into her studies heart and soul, determined not be outdone in any class by Gilbert Blythe.
But her triumph was marred by the fact that Gilbert congratulated her heartily before the whole school. It would have been ever so much sweeter to her if he had felt he sting of his defeat.
但是吉尔伯特在全校同学面前向她表示了真诚的祝贺,把她的胜利全毁了。对她来说, 如果他为失败而痛苦万分,她的胜利就会更加回味无穷。
Anne felt that she could not bear it and it would be of no use trying. Her whole being seethed with shame and anger and humiliation.
Anne went back to Green Gables, calm with despair.
But when she slipped into the east gable before going to bed and found that Anne had cried herself to sleep, an unaccustomed softness crept into her face.
然而,当她在睡前悄悄走进东厢房,发现安妮是哭着入睡的时候,一种不常见的柔情浮 上了她的脸庞。
The orchard, with its great sweeping boughs that bent to the ground with fruit, proved so delightful that the little girl spent most of the afternoon in it, sitting in a grassy corner where the frost had spared the green and mellow autumn sunshine lingered warmly, eating apples and talking as hard as they could.
果园里,累累硕果把苹果树的枝丫压得垂向地面。这个地方太好玩了,两个女孩子在里 面消磨了大半个下午。她们坐在一个青草茂密的角落,那里的绿色躲过了霜冻,柔和的 秋日阳光暖暖地洒在地面上。她们边吃苹果边聊天。
At first the other scholars looked and whispered and giggled and nudged.
Whereupon Anne arose, took the pink heart gingerly between the tips of her fingers, dropped it on the floor, ground it to powder beneath her heel, and resumed her position without designing to bestow a glance on Gilbert.
安妮抬起头,用指尖小心地拈起糖块,扔到地板上,再用鞋跟碾得粉碎,然后又恢复了 原来的姿势,绝不屈尊看吉尔伯特一眼。
Anne's lips quivered.
In a very short space of time Anne came flying back up the lane with tears rolling down her cheeks. Into the kitchen she dashed and flung herself face downward on the sofa and agony.
Anne swept by disdainfully, without look or sign of hearing.
Here Anne broke down entirely and wept with increasing bitterness.
No answer from Anne save more tears and stormier sobs.
Anne sat up, tragedy personified.
Marilla stared in blank amazement.
"Oh, Marilla," she exclaimed one Saturday morning, coming dancing in with her arms full of gorgeous boughs, " I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers. It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn't it ...”
“哦,玛丽拉,”一个星期六早晨,她怀抱一大捧美丽的树枝,蹦蹦跳跳地进了屋,宣布 说,“我太高兴了,我生活在一个有十月份的世界里。如果我们从九月直接跳到十一月, 那就太可怕了,是不是?”
“...Oh, Diana, I should never forget that awful moment if I live to be a hundred. Mrs. Chester Ross just LOOKED at me and I thought I would sink through the floor with modification.”
“……唉,戴安娜。,我就是活到一百岁也忘不掉那可怕的一刻。切斯特·罗斯太太就 那么看着我,我羞得恨不能钻到地缝里去。”
"My courage fails me at the thought of facing Diana's injured mother," sighed Ann.
Anne's cup of happiness was full and Matthew caused it to overflow.
She did more than look, she sprang to her feet, her bright fancies fallen into cure-less ruin. She flashed one indignant glance at Gilbert from eyes whose angry sparkle was swiftly quenched in equally angry tears.
她不仅是看,还跳了起来。美妙的幻想被无情地毁灭,她气愤地瞪着吉尔伯特,眼中的 怒火迅速化为愤怒的泪水。
She did not cry or hang her head. Anger was still too hot in her heart for that and it sustained her amid all her agony of humiliation. With resentful eyes and passion-red cheeks she confronted alike Diana's sympathetic gaze and Charlie Sloane's indignant nods and Josie Pye's malicious smiles.
她既没有哭也没垂下头。怒火仍在她心里燃烧,使她能够承受遭受羞辱的巨大痛苦。无 论是对戴安娜同情的注视,查理·斯隆义愤的示意,还是对乔西·派伊恶意的微笑,她一 概报以仇视的目光和激动的红脸颊。
The iron has entered into my soul.
Mrs. Barry, coming to the door in answer to a timid knock, found a white-lipped eager-eyed suppliant on the doorstep. Her face hardened.
巴里太太听到怯生生的敲门声,出来开了门,看到门阶上站着一个嘴唇苍白、目光急切、 满脸恳求的姑娘。巴里太太的脸板了起来。
In a trice Anne was out of the house and flying down to the hollow, astonishment and hope struggling in her expressive eyes. But hope faded when she saw Diana's rejected countenance.
眨眼间安妮就跑到屋外,向山谷下面飞奔而去。她感情丰富的眼睛里交织着迷惑和希望。 但是,看到戴安娜一脸沮丧,她眼里的希望消失了。


