
  1. 二一教育资源



< Te.rt I)
WI Did you got tho 『't'sults of Inst week's school dccrion, dcnr
M: I sure did! I m抖出o n 10 be president of our !!Chool's 且阳dent rommunity!
W: Good job, G回『-se! You d四rve this IXY.'li tion !
W: Excw;o m巳 八m thC110 ch仔叩 pies on :Yl!c

M 1 Yt>s. We 出uully sell picR for $ 10 each, but right now, we 陀 offering a diHrount of S ,t on everything.
(Tt.rt 3)
W: h ’s a lovely day, i皿
’t it

M: Ye-:5, incl{!()吐It s much better thnn the rniny dny yestcrd』1y.
W 1 Whnt's the w刨出er farer.1st for tomorro时
M: It soy国 it will bc nice mo古t of the time. But thero will be a fow clouds in tho t1ftc:rooo『1.
M: Whnt do you do on the weekend
W: I like plnying tmnis in tho public阳rk. I play tennis twice a W!'Ck. I nlM<> like ro ploy budflli『lion. How about you
M: I seldom piny to『miH. I prof er football nnd bru kotboll
(Tr.rt 5)
MI I know you like to swim. How am you swim with glu ?
W: For swimming, I don ’t U 附 gin吕回j 比 I nm f11「吕ightL-d. I only fll'l,d tht!lll fo『 rending.
< Tr.rt 6)
M:八ngcl, whut ore you mnking on your romputcr
w. J t [I 曲目ign for this site· s homo 咱也 I think tho current :-tyl目 looks n bit boring. How should I mnkc it more livcly
M: Mnybc you cnn try to ndd more rolor ClS wcll ns bigger text 11nd pictun:!飞 But I
’m n mnrketing rnm11ger, nm t1 designer. So ,『naybe
you should 目地回meone e.lse.
飞,V: Sure, but !lumks for your help. TI1i:1 is the-m r-l romplicoted阳n of my work, 且!though ovemU, my job i.!I 叫ry exciting LU1d hos
lots of fun.
M: My plea且u陀. You nnd the other wcb-1it1、 llGiigners uro so vnlunblc to our comp::my.
W: Thrmks. Mr. Grant!
M1 No problem. Now, should I call your rrum11g巳r to n..., ist you叮th由is d恒ign
W: St』ro, that'd be grcnt.
< Te:ct 7)
W: 1 love the famous h.ulion dish巴-阳st凡
M: Me, too. But do归u know its rountry of origin
W: hnly. of roursc!
M I八cluully, stories show lhot ltn.lian 时ndcrs might hn,-e gotten this fwho visitL'CI China 八nd they brought 由is Chino!!O cuisine to th日 W!!St!
W: Which othor foods huvo surpri:;ing origiM
M, Ma邸’! Countric-刊 like Fm 『-.:e,八fl"Girn, 1111d 01i1111 rm.le由世ir i:xmaJHc styles 明rld-famm.t-1、 But this rllJTlClltS di11h .!', ori囚n might be Grc
W: 飞明mt obour :mu自1ger,
M:αlo ffiU8咽C5且ro the me刻t ddici饥IS food八nd G!mwiy makes !.'\V: Wow! You know a lot about food history.
M, I'm n chaf. But !lomeclny, 1 hope to explore the wo『Id with my pn陀nts nnd discm-e『。咱nπ10rc.
M: TI1町陀 are five times mo陀 dimate-n:!lnted issues now 1h11n the陀 we陀 50 yenr吕 11go. PL"Oplc don'r hove to denl with forest fires or
d 『oughts here. bu1 四 you ran S(!C from whe 刊 tll(! 5'.!UWQt巳r hits the land, 出is rorutlinc bus lx1Cn b缸uy dmnBg c吐
E高三l月质tt险测·英谓,考警察 第l页(共6页)】 H-G
W: Cuπcntly,。盯biggest is冉u四日『吧 dnnuigc to homes, ,rnd the lo 'I of wildlife hnbitu以
M: Y(:'& 1吁rnt's why I've invited归u to出is scll dc阳『k todny. You o.nd yo盯 group of gO\'OmITT)nt figt』resn陀 inn unique阴阳tion to
Ip. Wi由your ru.sistnncc, we'll be nblc to poss new cnvironmcnlru prolcction阳laci凶
W1 I咽nc, nnd I ’m 阁 glnd you invi1cd u且 here. We '四『"CCCivoo money fo『巳nvironmrntnl projocl日 but h.·l\'un't lmmcd 1hu bUht woy约 10
de阳xi our Lrnd from rising a levels、
M: The mo州 urge川邑rep is c『\!lllingn policy to build IUllurul bnrric陀 to prevent dnm1igc to hou队执 I ho 町陀senπht d plnns for how to
protect our cOClstline. Through this pr田ess, we'll defend m:rny families in our community,
W: Sounds perfect.
(Tt>.rl 9)
M, M臼l阳!Opie think gelling a 邑cholm hip is impossible if you don't have top grndes or nthletic abili1y. But there n陀 rniny wnys one
am get discounts on II college :due川Kl几
WI This is whnt I wrml咀 to 11:'.llm. We only hnve o阳 more阳1r of high school I ’ve COfl:-idt:'.n:d upplying to Duke Uni,1cr.-i1y or Johns
Hopkins Uni叫阿ity in the US. But I hnvcn’t decided yet.
M 1 WCNt, thnt's an impre;..,i\'e lisr. 1\-e n.lrmcly d由制to srudy ot King's Coll唔eI.L>ndcn I just 叭'ffllt to amn:l II coll close to my homo.
W: I Sl'e. I just mode n list of the鸭。rld's top mcdicnl :schools.
M: Are ony of your family members doctors I'm glod you've d白ded on that major.
W: None of my『由咀lly. I 阳回11ly picked this !erienre inn自阳l all my plnn民
M:啊四、四防rfcc才明JCTI!!'fll'C to lL fcx- npplying阳 In『由ip:<. Mmy progmms rc\\n时high :,;cbool students for tht·i『 vollillL"Cr 明rk.
WI So, should I 11pply by writing e-蚓ys or having on interview
M: Write且bout your e坷究时回回!八bout eight months且go, I wrote l1ll cssoy nbo·1r my E盯使r pln11& I 50nt出is css叩to O\ICT fi\'O
colleges、 节"M!n, I wos occep1ed into 11 scholurship pmgr百m four mon由s ogo!
(Te.rt 10>
飞 : Thrrnks, everyo1陀. I fed so inspirc-d 10 donn!e to educe1iolllll projects.. Fo 『 my司..ieech,I'd like 10 int 『仪l山哩 my响。rk in historirnl
dis.co吨时出、 Thi抖 topic is differcnt from other si附ches tonight. l:tU1 it firs the theme of tonight's charity e、ent for d11ldn::11. We'll
provide n啡阳i;il history cour.;.e for 1111 s1uden1s in th巴 new :sc-hool \\'\ 're building U5ing donnlion..-.. My rerun foe:皿e目 on hi兽to『irnl
di皿ing. We ho四 hclpccl expcns in history 飞喃『ldwicl噎 ITUlk" incrroible di冉CO\‘cries、 I do most of my \\Urk outside the United
Slolcs. In fact. I 吕pent most of my rime in holy. But my mo..r 创citing proj !Lt wu吕『lhS<'tuching Tuπoconn Am1y in Xi'on, Chin!L
Al由。咱h thln(c nnciunt sWtUl's wc_rc fir.-t found by formers dccad时 ago, they quickly burnrm onu of rhc响。rld'sπ!OSI uniqu
his1oricnl si1e 」 There, over 8,000 响吧ll-p陀回n叹l war时cx-s offer a clear view of whnt回ldier百 looked like over 2, 000 y01陀晤。!
The mot1t imponunt ix,n of my team's slrnlt!J!Y is learning about 1he land we' 阿 inv削 igntinιIndeed. 陀姐 1n::hing cuhu陀 and
hist o叩was the biggest ch1mge to my 1eom,.. dll.!l"{ing stml唔y. Well, thnnk归u for listening. 八nd lei's ht.!ar it for our next
sp咀k田, a science ex阳π, who'll p陀飞 pt her impr=i、,e work!
l~5 A阪XA 6~10 以二八CA l l~15 BAC以二 16~20 CBAAB
本文是一筒应用文. 文章主要介阴了一则相同研究助理的广告.

21.B 制节周Wf困. 根掘民呵,Oll'iibilil阳z巾··You陀『c11pom,ible for providing the nnn.ly归国 of vie响, ,oice国 nnd experiences of
出ildren, young肘。plo nnd th!!ir fnmilies in 陀Lotion to child 0011lth topic忌
” 可知.研究助理需要分昕关于儿童世剧的资料.
22. D 细节础’币屈. 根据’也!quimncol茧,巾… You h.,\ e to I宽厚>Od :it denling with vurious problems, 回阳ciolly being able to
und伫rslu时Dnd di!-eu!ls complex problflllS around child hei th nnd hmlth-reluwd s1a1jiuics..
23.八 制1四ffl阻.相础。Iha- infom11lm:中 “e TI1eColl唱E Dpcii11tS a modem ·wor挝I惠阳licy. 妇 our m晴Kl'.陀、刚k in the office for ut
leMt 10% 0哩r n four-,\\'(虫cyd町旧世 thu 『'f!<1 tilll(l frcm homr.胃可知l,该工作政策灵活.
木文是-臼记报文.凯f .基奇·斯沃林在峙’民吗做了三十年的圈股设计师. 脏和丈夫在i且休后换了一件生7,1i方式-一他们


21 . D 细节理僻屈. 原副部二四”' Prople chat while they re 臼wing and becom噎 frio:>nd「I love it.”可知.她纫扩大了人们的批交罔.
25.八 细节理阳困. 根据第三段 " , .. th町吕howrnsed thei『 work ut 1hei『 nnnl.Llll fundmi”cr. .. While Swe.rling oonnlcs her 1ime und
to lent,自he陀lies onπ10ney rni晒I ot the evcn1 to COveT" 84!wing ”mnc:hine muintcnnnre [Lnd supplit:'8. 可知.每年学办Richmond
Frock山l且的日的是 放川于饥阳的1幢幢莉l供怡.
E高三l月质tt险测·英晴,考警察 第2页〈共6页)】 H-G


