资源简介 高三英语参考答案、提示及评分细则昕力部分景啬躏< Te.rt I)WI Did you got tho 『't'sults of Inst week's school dccrion, dcnr M: I sure did! I m抖出o n 10 be president of our !!Chool's 且阳dent rommunity!W: Good job, G回『-se! You d四rve this IXY.'li tion !W: Excw;o m巳 八m thC110 ch仔叩 pies on :Yl!c 'M 1 Yt>s. We 出uully sell picR for $ 10 each, but right now, we 陀 offering a diHrount of S ,t on everything.(Tt.rt 3)W: h ’s a lovely day, i皿’t it ’M: Ye-:5, incl{!()吐It s much better thnn the rniny dny yestcrd』1y.W 1 Whnt's the w刨出er farer.1st for tomorro时M: It soy国 it will bc nice mo古t of the time. But thero will be a fow clouds in tho t1ftc:rooo『1.M: Whnt do you do on the weekend W: I like plnying tmnis in tho public阳rk. I play tennis twice a W!'Ck. I nlM<> like ro ploy budflli『lion. How about you M: I seldom piny to『miH. I prof er football nnd bru kotboll(Tr.rt 5)MI I know you like to swim. How am you swim with glu ?W: For swimming, I don ’t U 附 gin吕回j 比 I nm f11「吕ightL-d. I only fll'l,d tht!lll fo『 rending.< Tr.rt 6)M:八ngcl, whut ore you mnking on your romputcr w. J t [I 曲目ign for this site· s homo 咱也 I think tho current :-tyl目 looks n bit boring. How should I mnkc it more livcly M: Mnybc you cnn try to ndd more rolor ClS wcll ns bigger text 11nd pictun:!飞 But I’m n mnrketing rnm11ger, nm t1 designer. So ,『naybeyou should 目地回meone e.lse.飞,V: Sure, but !lumks for your help. TI1i:1 is the-m r-l romplicoted阳n of my work, 且!though ovemU, my job i.!I 叫ry exciting LU1d hoslots of fun.M: My plea且u陀. You nnd the other wcb-1it1、 llGiigners uro so vnlunblc to our comp::my.W: Thrmks. Mr. Grant!M1 No problem. Now, should I call your rrum11g巳r to n..., ist you叮th由is d恒ign W: St』ro, that'd be grcnt.< Te:ct 7)W: 1 love the famous h.ulion dish巴-阳st凡M: Me, too. But do归u know its rountry of origin W: hnly. of roursc!M I八cluully, stories show lhot ltn.lian 时ndcrs might hn,-e gotten this fwho visitL'CI China 八nd they brought 由is Chino!!O cuisine to th日 W!!St!W: Which othor foods huvo surpri:;ing origiM M, Ma邸’! Countric-刊 like Fm 『-.:e,八fl"Girn, 1111d 01i1111 rm.le由世ir i:xmaJHc styles 明rld-famm.t-1、 But this rllJTlClltS di11h .!', ori囚n might be GrcW: 飞明mt obour :mu自1ger, M:αlo ffiU8咽C5且ro the me刻t ddici饥IS food八nd G!mwiy makes !.'\V: Wow! You know a lot about food history.M, I'm n chaf. But !lomeclny, 1 hope to explore the wo『Id with my pn陀nts nnd discm-e『。咱nπ10rc.M: TI1町陀 are five times mo陀 dimate-n:!lnted issues now 1h11n the陀 we陀 50 yenr吕 11go. PL"Oplc don'r hove to denl with forest fires ord 『oughts here. bu1 四 you ran S(!C from whe 刊 tll(! 5'.!UWQt巳r hits the land, 出is rorutlinc bus lx1Cn b缸uy dmnBg c吐E高三l月质tt险测·英谓,考警察 第l页(共6页)】 H-GW: Cuπcntly,。盯biggest is冉u四日『吧 dnnuigc to homes, ,rnd the lo 'I of wildlife hnbitu以M: Y(:'& 1吁rnt's why I've invited归u to出is scll dc阳『k todny. You o.nd yo盯 group of gO\'OmITT)nt figt』resn陀 inn unique阴阳tion to Ip. Wi由your ru.sistnncc, we'll be nblc to poss new cnvironmcnlru prolcction阳laci凶W1 I咽nc, nnd I ’m 阁 glnd you invi1cd u且 here. We '四『"CCCivoo money fo『巳nvironmrntnl projocl日 but h.·l\'un't lmmcd 1hu bUht woy约 10de阳xi our Lrnd from rising a levels、M: The mo州 urge川邑rep is c『\!lllingn policy to build IUllurul bnrric陀 to prevent dnm1igc to hou队执 I ho 町陀senπht d plnns for how toprotect our cOClstline. Through this pr田ess, we'll defend m:rny families in our community,W: Sounds perfect.(Tt>.rl 9)M, M臼l阳!Opie think gelling a 邑cholm hip is impossible if you don't have top grndes or nthletic abili1y. But there n陀 rniny wnys oneam get discounts on II college :due川Kl几WI This is whnt I wrml咀 to 11:'.llm. We only hnve o阳 more阳1r of high school I ’ve COfl:-idt:'.n:d upplying to Duke Uni,1cr.-i1y or JohnsHopkins Uni叫阿ity in the US. But I hnvcn’t decided yet.M 1 WCNt, thnt's an impre;..,i\'e lisr. 1\-e n.lrmcly d由制to srudy ot King's Coll唔eI.L>ndcn I just 叭'ffllt to amn:l II coll close to my homo.W: I Sl'e. I just mode n list of the鸭。rld's top mcdicnl :schools.M: Are ony of your family members doctors I'm glod you've d白ded on that major.W: None of my『由咀lly. I 阳回11ly picked this !erienre inn自阳l all my plnn民M:啊四、四防rfcc才明JCTI!!'fll'C to lL fcx- npplying阳 In『由ip:<. Mmy progmms rc\\n时high :,;cbool students for tht·i『 vollillL"Cr 明rk.WI So, should I 11pply by writing e-蚓ys or having on interview M: Write且bout your e坷究时回回!八bout eight months且go, I wrote l1ll cssoy nbo·1r my E盯使r pln11& I 50nt出is css叩to O\ICT fi\'Ocolleges、 节"M!n, I wos occep1ed into 11 scholurship pmgr百m four mon由s ogo!(Te.rt 10>飞 : Thrrnks, everyo1陀. I fed so inspirc-d 10 donn!e to educe1iolllll projects.. Fo 『 my司..ieech,I'd like 10 int 『仪l山哩 my响。rk in historirnldis.co吨时出、 Thi抖 topic is differcnt from other si附ches tonight. l:tU1 it firs the theme of tonight's charity e、ent for d11ldn::11. We'llprovide n啡阳i;il history cour.;.e for 1111 s1uden1s in th巴 new :sc-hool \\'\ 're building U5ing donnlion..-.. My rerun foe:皿e目 on hi兽to『irnldi皿ing. We ho四 hclpccl expcns in history 飞喃『ldwicl噎 ITUlk" incrroible di冉CO\‘cries、 I do most of my \\Urk outside the UnitedSlolcs. In fact. I 吕pent most of my rime in holy. But my mo..r 创citing proj !Lt wu吕『lhS<'tuching Tuπoconn Am1y in Xi'on, Chin!LAl由。咱h thln(c nnciunt sWtUl's wc_rc fir.-t found by formers dccad时 ago, they quickly burnrm onu of rhc响。rld'sπ!OSI uniquhis1oricnl si1e 」 There, over 8,000 响吧ll-p陀回n叹l war时cx-s offer a clear view of whnt回ldier百 looked like over 2, 000 y01陀晤。!The mot1t imponunt ix,n of my team's slrnlt!J!Y is learning about 1he land we' 阿 inv削 igntinιIndeed. 陀姐 1n::hing cuhu陀 andhist o叩was the biggest ch1mge to my 1eom,.. dll.!l"{ing stml唔y. Well, thnnk归u for listening. 八nd lei's ht.!ar it for our nextsp咀k田, a science ex阳π, who'll p陀飞 pt her impr=i、,e work!参考答嚣l~5 A阪XA 6~10 以二八CA l l~15 BAC以二 16~20 CBAABE答案与解析】本文是一筒应用文. 文章主要介阴了一则相同研究助理的广告.'21.B 制节周Wf困. 根掘民呵,Oll'iibilil阳z巾··You陀『c11pom,ible for providing the nnn.ly归国 of vie响, ,oice国 nnd experiences of出ildren, young肘。plo nnd th!!ir fnmilies in 陀Lotion to child 0011lth topic忌” 可知.研究助理需要分昕关于儿童世剧的资料.22. D 细节础’币屈. 根据’也!quimncol茧,巾… You h.,\ e to I宽厚>Od :it denling with vurious problems, 回阳ciolly being able tound伫rslu时Dnd di!-eu!ls complex problflllS around child hei th nnd hmlth-reluwd s1a1jiuics..’可知.对应聘者的要求之-是要有良好的阳决问阻的能力.23.八 制1四ffl阻.相础。Iha- infom11lm:中 “e TI1eColl唱E Dpcii11tS a modem ·wor挝I惠阳licy. 妇 our m晴Kl'.陀、刚k in the office for utleMt 10% 0哩r n four-,\\'(虫cyd町旧世 thu 『'f!<1 tilll(l frcm homr.胃可知l,该工作政策灵活.E答案与解析】木文是-臼记报文.凯f .基奇·斯沃林在峙’民吗做了三十年的圈股设计师. 脏和丈夫在i且休后换了一件生7,1i方式-一他们”将j也下室改造成了且::I住背和l组织·用士滴血锺!的工作室.为任何阎明和l热爱他切的人提供免费课目.’21 . D 细节理僻屈. 原副部二四”' Prople chat while they re 臼wing and becom噎 frio:>nd「I love it.”可知.她纫扩大了人们的批交罔.25.八 细节理阳困. 根据第三段 " , .. th町吕howrnsed thei『 work ut 1hei『 nnnl.Llll fundmi”cr. .. While Swe.rling oonnlcs her 1ime undto lent,自he陀lies onπ10ney rni晒I ot the evcn1 to COveT" 84!wing ”mnc:hine muintcnnnre [Lnd supplit:'8. 可知.每年学办RichmondFrock山l且的日的是 放川于饥阳的1幢幢莉l供怡.E高三l月质tt险测·英晴,考警察 第2页〈共6页)】 H-G 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览