资源简介 满分素材6焦虑担忧紧张不安必背好词名词/ 动 词 worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, uneasiness,thump/pound(v.怦怦直 跳 ) 形容词/ 副词 worried, concerned, anxious, nervous, nervously,tense,uncomfortable, uneasy,restless,restlessly,anxiously满分 短语 have/with butterflies in one's stomach心里发慌 hide one's nervousness/anxiety掩饰紧张/焦虑 give sb.a worried look忧虑地看某人一眼 with ones heart in one's mouth提心吊胆地 full of anxiety焦虑不安 pound/beat/race wildly (心)怦怦直跳必背好句1.As the evening wore on, he grew increasingly worried/concerned, wandering restlessly from one room to another. 夜深了,他越来越担心,不安地从一个房间转到另一个房间。2.Full of/Filled with anxiety, he reached for his cellphone,only to find it out of power. 他满怀焦虑地伸手去拿手机,却发现手机没电了。3. A flood of tension/nervousness welled up in her. She could feel her palms sweating, heart racing/ pounding /beating wildly in her chest.她紧张极了,她觉得自己手心冒汗,心跳加速She saw the worry in his eyes and frowned at him anxiously.她从他的眼睛里看出了忧虑,焦虑地朝他皱起了眉头。He was anxious and uncertain, wondering what he would hear.他焦虑不安,揣摩着他还将听到些什么事情With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply.我心里发慌,深深地吸了口气。7.Before the competition, I became increasingly nervous and my heart was pounding hard, as if it were about to pop.比赛前,我变得越来越紧张,我的心砰砰直跳,好像要炸开似的。Before the competition, nervousness took hold of me. My heart almost leaped from my body.比赛开始前,我很紧张。我的心几乎要跳出来了满分素材6焦虑担忧紧张不安必背好词名词/ 动 词 worry, anxiety, nervousness, tension, uneasiness,thump/pound(v.怦怦直 跳 ) 形容词/ 副词 worried, concerned, anxious, nervous, nervously,tense,uncomfortable, uneasy,restless,restlessly,anxiously满分 短语 _____________________________心里发慌 _____________________________ 掩饰紧张/焦虑 _____________________________忧虑地看某人一眼 _____________________________提心吊胆地 _____________________________焦虑不安 _____________________________ (心)怦怦直跳必背好句1.As the evening wore on, he _____________________________, ______________ from one room to another. 夜深了,他越来越担心,不安地从一个房间转到另一个房间。2._____________________________, he reached for his cellphone, only to find it out of power.他满怀焦虑地伸手去拿手机,却发现手机没电了。3. ___________________________. She could __________________________, heart____________________________.她紧张极了,她觉得自己手心冒汗,心跳加速4.She saw _____________________________ and _____________________________ anxiously. 她从他的眼睛里看出了忧虑,焦虑地朝他皱起了眉头。5.He was _____________________________, ______________ what he would hear. 他焦虑不安,揣摩着他还将听到些什么事情6. _____________________________, I breathed deeply. 我心里发慌,深深地吸了口气。7.Before the competition, I became _____________________________ and my heart _____________________________, as if it _____________________________.比赛前,我变得越来越紧张,我的心砰砰直跳,好像要炸开似的。Before the competition,_____________________________. My heart ________________ my body.比赛开始前,我很紧张。我的心几乎要跳出来了。 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览