资源简介 2019 新人教版选择性必修二Unit 5 Opening Page & Reading and Thinking 1 教学设计年级及学段 高二教材分析 本单元的阅读文本是说明文,具体来说,是医院宣传单上的一 篇文章,其目的是向人们宣传正确的烧/烫/灼伤急救方法。本文具有 说明文的特征:目的明确,有较强的科学性和客观性,且条理清晰、 逻辑严谨,使用了分类法、举例法、过程说明法和因果说明法。通 过小标题呈现相关内容,准确介绍了烧/烫/灼伤的成因、类型、特征 以及急救措施。本文语言平实、准确、通俗易懂。除文字说明外, 本文还配图帮助读者掌握急救的操作方法,引人入胜。学情分析 全广州市各层次所有学校的高二学生。教学目标 经过本课学习,学生能够: 1. 准确判断文章的语篇类型; 2. 分析文章结构,了解全文大意及每段大意; 3. 掌握烧/烫/灼伤的成因、类型、特征以及急救措施; 4. 把握急救的细节。教学重点与 难点 教学重点: 1. 通过阅读了解烧/烫/灼伤的成因、类型、特征以及急救方法,把握 文本细节; 2. 提高对烧/烫/灼伤的应急处理能力,树立烧/烫/灼伤的防范意识; 3. 准确判断文章的语篇类型。 教学难点: 1. 把握烧/烫/灼伤急救方法的细节; 2. 提高对烧/烫/灼伤的应急处理能力,树立烧/烫/灼伤的防范意识。教学辅助 电脑教学平台教学方法 支架式教学法教学内容 教学活动 设计意图教师活动 学生活动Lead-inStep 1: T guides Ss to look at the Opening Page and describe the picture based on the two questions: 1. Who are the people in the picture 2. What are the students learning Check the answers: 1. They are students, the instructor and a victim. 2. The students are learning basic first aid, CPR in particular. T plays a video clip about how CPR works. Ss complete the procedures of CPR based on the video clip. 1. Place the of your hand in the of the victim’s chest. One hand covers the other. 2. Press down for cm. 3. Rate of chest compression: compression per minute 4. After chest compression, steadily into the victim’s mouse. Keys: 1. heel, center 2. four to five / 4 to 5 3. 100 4. 30, breathe T guides Ss to think about the significance of learning CPR and study the quote by Leigh Bardugo. 激活背景,引出单 元主题。让学生简 单了解心肺复苏急 救方法。Pre-readingStep 2: T asks Ss what first-aid techniques they know of and what they would do if someone they know suffered a burn. With some dos and don’ts given, Ss judge whether they are true or false. 1) Put vinegar or toothpaste on burns. 2) Burst blisters. 3) Rinse (冲洗) burns with cool running water. 4) If we don’t feel pain after suffering a burn, that means it is not severe. Check the answers. 让学生头脑风暴急 救知识,预测文章 内容。1. First-aid techniques: CPR and Heimlich manoeuvre. 2. × , × , √ , × Predicting: Looking at the title, sub-headings and the pictures of the text, Ss talk about what the text may talk about. Check the answers. The text is mainly about basic knowledge of burns and its first-aid treatment.While-readingStep 3: Read for text type T shows Ss a question: Look through the text and identify its style and language features. Then tick its text type from a list including some text types like ad., hospital leaflet, newspaper article, ect. Before reading, T shows a tip of understanding text types and asks Ss the reason why it is important to do that as well as the way to identify a text type. Check the answers. 1) The reason: By understanding text types, we can discover the purpose of a text thus predict its contents. 2) How: By paying attention to the style of writing and language features. Ss brainstorm some common text types. Check the answers: Letters, diary, news, fable, ect. T shows Ss styles and language features of the six text types. Ss listen to the recording and try to identify the text type. 让学生根据文章内 容判断文本形式。Step 4: Read for details Ss read Para.1 and summarize its main idea. T shows a picture about 3 layers of skin to introduce the following parts. Ss read again and decide if the statements are true or false. (Ex.3 on P.51) Check the answers: T, F, T, T, F Ss complete the table to summarize the information about first aid for burns. (Ex.4 on P.51) 让学生准确把握文 章细节。Post-readingStep 5: Role play Suppose you are a doctor invited to our class to give a speech on first aid on burns. Try to impress us with the importance of the skin and how to do first-aid treatment. Ss ’ speech should include: 1. the importance of giving first aid on burns 2. the types and the characteristics of burns 3. how to give first aid on burns 让学生学以致用, 在理解的基础上进 行表达。Step 6: Summary Make a summary of the text. 总结文本。Step 7: Assignment 1. Draw a mind map of the text based on what you have learnt today. 2. Read the text on Page 94 and think about the following questions. 1) Who founded Red Cross and when 2) Why did the founder found it 3) What contributions did it make to the world 4) What do you think of volunteer’s work 5) What does the example of Salaymana tell us 6) What do you think of the founder’s life 复述本文,让学生 更好地掌握文章内 容; 阅读workbook 里文 章并思考问题,让 学生了解红十字 会。 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览