资源简介 (共13张PPT)Unit The art of having funStarting Out 第一课时(外研版)七年级下01Learning objectivesContent02Lead-in03Look and answer/match0506The aims07watch04Summary08HomeworkAssessmentLearning objectivesLearn some core words and expressions of the text;0102Learn about some activities for fun.03Write your favourite activity for fun.Lead -inWhat does the picture show What do you do to have fun The aimsGet to know the aims of this unit.Look and answerLook at the picture and answer the questions.What activities did ancient people do for fun Which activity is the most interesting one to you How many acitvities did ancient do for fun What are they WatchLook and answerLook at the survey results and answer the questions.What can you learn from the survey results Do you enjoy any of these activities What are they Summary1. Some core words and expressions of the text;2. Learn about some activities for fun.3. Write your favourite activity for fun.Assessment课堂自评表问题 是 否如果为“否”如何改进你在课堂上能积极主动的回答老师的问题吗? 你能听懂老师的指令进行课堂活动吗? 你能自觉进行自主学习,完成阅读任务吗? 你能与同学们积极合作,互帮互助吗? 你能自己完成写作任务吗? 你对自己在课堂上的表现满意吗? HomeworkFinish your activity for fun. Search for some information about the activity.https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php让备课更有效www.21cnjy.comThanks! 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源列表 Unit 4 Starting out activity 1.mp4 七下外研版(2024)Unit 4 The art of having fun 课件(含音视频)第1课时.pptx