资源简介 (共19张PPT)Unit 4Healthy foodALet's spellWhat do we eat Listen and chantWhat is good Helathy food or Junk food.Healthy foodJunk foodLook and sayJoe JonesLook and sayWhere is Joe Jones A. At school.B. At home.Look and sayWhat is Joe Jones doing A. Eating healthy food.B. Eating junk food.hamburgerfruitcokeFrench friesconeListen and circleWhat do you hear (你听到了哪些事物)home box cone dogcoke fox note noseThink and sayWhat’s the same (有什么相同之处)Joe Jones eats at home.He likes to eat a big cone.Healthy food is no joke.Less junk food. I hope.Jones homeconejokehopeWatch and chantcodebnrbntjkrdpsLet's blendKnow morehomeconejokecokenoteboneropecodeholeroseposenoseListen and chantEat less junk food! o-eJoe Jones eats at home,He likes to eat a very big cone.Healthy food is no joke.Less junk food, Joe. I hope.What can you learn from this chant Watch and sayRead, listen and ticknotenot1.homehot2.JonesJohn3.bonebox4.Read and groupfognoseholehotjokebonelogrosefromboxconedogholejokeboneroseconehotlogfromboxdogListen,circle and writeo o-eo o-eo o-eo o-eSay and spellMy dog is cute./d- -g/ dogMy dog is cute.Here is a note.We smell with our nose.I see a fox.Read,choose and write.HomeworkHomework1.听录音,模仿朗读 Let's spell 的单词,并学唱歌谣。2. 根据字母组合o-e在单词中的发音规律, 写出五个例词。选做:学有余力的学生还可以尝试用含有 o和 o-e 的单词制作转盘,并配上简单的插图,与同伴分享并拼读单词。 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览