Unit 3 What subject do you like best Lesson 18 教案

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Unit 3 What subject do you like best Lesson 18 教案


Lesson Eighteen
知识目标:1.Read the fun story to review the important points
of this unit: Show me your… What classes do we have today?
It’s time for…, Review the subject words, 2. Check the
pupils’ listening, spelling and speaking.
能力目标:Middle apply the new sentence to the real life.
情感目标:Make a student be fond of English
教学重点 Learn to say: What classes do we have today? They are…
教学难点 Look at the pictures and make up some sentences
教学方法 Learning in groups
教学模式 Inquiry Learning
教学准备 Some cards and a tape recorder
Step 1: Warm up
Arouse their interesting and review the words, the drills and the dialogues.
Step 2: Lead in
You are a reporter. Today you will come to a school to interview the students.
Step 3: Presentation
Learn the fun story.
1. Look at the pictures and talk about it
2. Try to say the sentences in English.
3. Listen to the tape and follow it.
Step 4: Practice
Act out the dialogue in groups. Listen and check the listening;
Let’s make
Let’s make and play a game
Use the numbers in your life more and more
Step 5: Consolidation and expansion
Introduce your favourite subjects in English.
Step 6: home work
1. Copy the new words and sentences
2.Do exercise book.
3.Preview the next lesson.
板书设计: Lesson Eighteen
What classes do we have today?
They are…


