牛津译林版英语九年级下Unit 1 Asia单词讲义

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牛津译林版英语九年级下Unit 1 Asia单词讲义


9B Unit 1单词讲义
1. tiring adj.使人疲劳的, 累人的 tire--tired
tiring work / a tiring day
feel tired after a tiring day/be tired of (doing)….
tired/tiring surprised/surprising excited/exciting interested/interesting amazed/amazing
frightened/frightening bored/boring
It’s tiring to do the homework all day.
How (令人疲倦的)it is to reach the top of the mountain after three hours’ climbing!
2.step n. 一步;脚步,脚步声(可数)steps
step by step 一步一步地;逐步地
n. 台阶;梯级
It’s tiring to climb the steps. 爬台阶
take steps to do sth.
step vi. 走,跨步,踩,踏
step--stepping -- stepped
step on one’s feet
He stepped over the dog. 他踩到了这只狗。
3.Chinese knot n. 中国结 Chinese knots
4. Chinese opera n. 中国戏曲
Beijing Opera 京剧
5. chopsticks n.
a pair of chopsticks 一双筷子
have lunch with chopsticks 用筷子吃中饭
6. dragon dance n. 舞龙
the dragon culture and dragon dance 龙文化和舞龙活动
7. middle n. 中间
in the middle of… 在…中间 (指空间,时间, 或过程的两端等距离的部分)
in the middle of the ancient city
There is a river in the middle of the river.
in the centre of 在…中部(指任何物体的中心,也指活动(事物)的中心
There is a park in the centre of the city
8. emperor n. 皇帝 an emperor
the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties
9. raising n. 升高
watch the raising of the national flag 看升国旗
Every day many tourists gather in Tian’anmen Square early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag.
raise vt. 升起,提高,筹集 raised- raised
raise one’s head/ eyes 抬起头/抬起眼睛
raise one’s hand=put up one’s hand 举手
raise one’s voice 提高声音
raise money for children in poor areas
Mandeep felt proud when she (升起)the national flag in the playground this morning.
rise vi.
rise-rose-risen 上升.上涨,升起 (太阳,月亮,星星的升起,河水上涨等) vi.不及物动词
The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起.
Price of rice rises in the south of China. 中国南方米价上涨.
10. flag n. the national flag 国旗
raise the red flag 升起红旗
11. landscape n. 风景;地形
a natural landscape 自然风景
12. attraction n. 向往的地方;吸引
tourist attractions 旅游景点
another famous attraction 另一个著名景点
attract v. 吸引 attract sb./sth.
attract one’s attention
The man was attracted by the beauty of the girl.
attractive adj. 有吸引力的
What an attractive voice she has!
have an attractive quality
13. watchtower n. 瞭望塔 watchtowers
14. wonder n. 奇迹 (sth. that fills people with surprise)
The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world.
no wonder 难怪
v. 想知道 wonder=want to know
I wonder if we will have an exam tomorrow.
15. lie vi. 坐落于… lay – lain lying
lie on the two(both) sides /each side of the Lijiang River 位于漓江两侧
Shanghai lies in the east of China.
lie vi. 说谎 lie- lied -- lied lie to sb.
The boy often lies/tells lies, so nobody believes him.
tell lies n.
lie- lay- lain躺 lying
The old man has lain in bed for three years.
The boy lying under the tree is my cousin.
16.shape n. 形状
in different shapes 形态各异
so many rocks in unusual shapes 形态各异的岩石
form 形式 in the form of … 以…形式 in different forms不同形式
v.塑造It is you who shape your life and future.
17.underground n. 地下的 n.
an underground car park
by underground take the underground
18.cave n. 洞穴 an underground cave
19. hang v. hang- hung-hung 垂下;悬挂
hang down
I hung my coat on the door.
20. point v. 指;指向
point at sb./sth. 指着…
He pointed at the photo as he said. 他一边说一边指着墙上的照片。
point to sb./sth. 指向
point out my mistakes 指出我的错误
n. 分数
He got ninety points in the maths exam.
21. upwards adv. 向上 point upwards
downwards adv. 向下
22. hire v. 租用;雇佣 (pay some money to use sth. for a short time)
hire a bicycle
fire v. 解雇
23. eastern adj. 东部的;东方的
an eastern city / in the eastern part
China is in the eastern part of the world.
Lianyungang , one of the (东方的)seaside city, will play an important role in the Belt and Road Initiatives.(一带一路战略构想)
western southern northern
24. south-east adj. 东南方
north-east north-west south-west
25. location n. 地点; 方位 address 地址
26. take up 占据(空间); 占用(时间)
I’m sorry to take up too much of your time.
The cinema takes up three quarters of the area. 占四分之三的面积
The lake is very big and it three quarters of this area.
A. gives up B. puts up
C. makes up D. takes up
take away 拿走 take off 脱掉;起飞
take down 拿下;取下
take on new challenges
27.quarter n. 四分之一;一刻钟
one quarter 四分之一
three quarters 四分之三
28.either pron. 两者之一
on either/each side of the street
=on both sides of the street
either...or 要么...要么
You can either take the lead or fall behind
Either you or I am going to stay at home.
=Either I or you are going to stay at home.
也不I don’t like maths, either.我也不喜欢数学.
29. level n. 水平
a high level of service 高水平服务
30. service n. 服务;工作
be in service=be in use
The bridge has been in service for ten years.
31. Japanese adj.
Japan-Japanese China-Chinese
two Japanese
32. state n. 国家;洲
a city state 城市国家
33.Hindi n. 印第语
speak Hindi as a second language
34. billion num. 十亿
two billion / billions of
35. population n. 人口
What’s the population of your country?
The population of China is very large.
have a population of 有----人口
This city has a population of 30,000.
The population of China is _____ than that of ______ country in Europe.
A.much larger ,any B.large,any other
C.much larger, any other D. larger, the other
36. iron n. 铁
iron and steel industry 钢铁工业
an iron n. 一个熨斗
v. 熨烫 iron the shirts
37. IT information technology信息技术
38. technology n. 技术
With the development of (技术),the journey to Mars might only take about 20 minutes in spacecraft in the future.
39. custom n. traditional customs 传统风俗 local customs 本地风俗 habit 习惯
40. fair n. 集市;庙会;展览会 many fairs adj. fair-unfair 公平/不公平
41. sari n. 莎丽(印度妇女民族服饰)
42. Indian n. India-Indian
America-American;Canada-Canadian Asia-Asian ;Africa-African;Australia-Australian


