外研版英语七年级下Module 1 Lost and found Units 1-2单词笔记

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外研版英语七年级下Module 1 Lost and found Units 1-2单词笔记


七下M1 单词笔记
Module 1 words
Unit One
1. crayon n. 蜡笔
e.g. 孩子们经常用蜡笔画画。
Children often use crayons to draw pictures.
Children often draw pictures with their crayons.
2. eraser n. 橡皮擦
元音音素开头 an eraser
3. glove n. 手套
glove 常以复数形式出现,gloves单独作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。
e.g. 这手套看起来很漂亮。
The gloves look very beautiful.
表示数量时常用“基数词或冠词(a) pair(s) of gloves”结构,该结构作主语时,谓语动词要与pair(s)在数上保持一致。
e.g. ①我需要一双新手套过冬。
I need a new pair of gloves for the winter.
Two pairs of gloves are enough here in winter.
4. wallet n. 钱包
e.g. My money is in the wallet. 我的钱在钱包里。
5. watch ① n. 表;(通常指)手表 pl. watches
e.g. 你的手表几点了? What time is it by your watch?
② v. 观看;注视(电视,比赛等)
watch sb. do sth. /watch sb. doing sth. (see, hear, notice用法相同)
6. whose pron. 谁的
e.g. ① 那是谁的包?(注意whose成分) Whose bag is that? (定语)
② 那个包是谁的? Whose is that bag? (表语)
e.g. ①--- Whose is this? --- It’s Tom’s. / It’s his.
② It’s my shirt. (划线部分提问)
Whose shirt is it?
***who’s和whose同音,但who’s是who is 的缩写。“是谁”
who 谁 作主语或宾语
whom 谁 作宾语
whose 谁的 作定语

7. first of all 首先;第一
first of all 常放在句首作状语,强调首要的事情或动作。表示顺序,下文往往有next/second. then等。
e.g. ① 首先,让我给你讲讲它的情况。
First of all, let me tell you something about it.
8. lose v. ① 失去 (过去式lost)
e.g. ⑴你常丢东西吗?
Do you often lose things?
Please go to the lost and found office over there. Maybe you can find your keys in the lost and found box.
② 输掉,未赢得;
e.g. 没有人希望输掉比赛
Nobody hopes to lose the match. (hope to do sth.)
③ 迷失
lose one’s way 迷路 = get lost
lose weight 减肥
lose face 丢脸
lose one’s job 失业
9. find v. 发现;找到 (过去式found)
e.g. 你能帮我找到我的钱包吗?
Can you find my wallet for me?
find, look for(区别)
look for ---寻找的过程
e.g. 我找不到我的钥匙了,我正在卧室里找。
I can’t find my keys and I’m looking for them in my bedroom.
10. mine ① pron. 我的
e.g. 这是吉姆的外套。我的在教室里。
This is Jim’s coat. Mine is in the classroom.
② n. 矿,矿井
11. careful adj. 仔细的;认真的;小心的
be careful with 小心(对待)……
e.g. 她总是很细心,她会认真对待她的作业的。
She is always careful and she will be careful with her homework.
be careful 小心(单独使用时,常用来提醒他人,以引起注意) =look out= take care
e.g. 当心!楼梯很湿。Be careful! The stairs are wet.
be careful to do sth. 小心做某事。
be careful not to do sth. 小心不要做某事。
e.g. 小心不要把玻璃杯打碎。
Be careful not to break the glass.
副词:carefully 反义词:careless粗心的 (副词 carelessly)
12. on adv. 从某时刻起
from now on 从现在开始
e.g. 从现在起我们应该努力学习。
We should study hard from now on.
e.g. 从现在起我将认真听老师讲课。
I will listen to the teacher carefully from now on.
对应词组:from then on 从那时起 (通常与一般过去时连用)
e.g. 从那时起,我就记得她的名字。
I remembered her name from then on.
13. here is / are …..(用于刚找到某人或某物时)在这儿
在英语中,表示方位的副词here, there位于句首且主语为名词(短语)时,句子常用完全倒装句式,即“Here / There +谓语+主语(+其他)”结构。谓语动词的单复数由其后面的名词决定。
e.g. ①这是你的钢笔。 Here is your pen.
②公共汽车来了。Here comes the bus.
③他的玩具在这里。Here are his toys.
④---那把钥匙在哪里? ---Where is the key?
--- 它在这里。 --- Here it is.

Unit Two
14. camera n. 照相机
15. phone n. 电话;电话机
mobile phone 移动电话;手机
smartphone 智能手机
16. in a hurry 匆匆忙忙 固定短语,在句中可作表语或状语。hurry (词性?)
in a hurry的意思是“匆匆忙忙地”,是一个介词短语. hurry up 赶快,赶紧
hurry to do sth. “匆忙去做…”
hurry to sp.匆忙赶往某地。= go to sp. in a hurry.
(there’s) no hurry “不忙,不必着急,有充裕时间……”。
e.g. ①当你过马路的时候不要匆匆忙忙的。(in a hurry成分)
Don’t be in a hurry when you cross the street. (表语)
She wanted to see her child, so she left in a hurry.(状语)
We must hurry up if we want to be there on time.
There is no hurry, so do it slowly and carefully.
He hurries home.= He goes home in a hurry
17. leave ①vt. (过去式left) 丢下;遗忘 后接表示地点的介词短语或副词,表示“把某物落在/忘在那里” leave sth. +地点状语
e.g. 我昨天把我的手表落在了学校。
I left my watch at school yesterday.
forget 表示“遗忘某物”时,常指头脑中记不起某物了,其后通常不与表示地点的词连用。
e.g. 我忘带书包了。I forgot my schoolbag.
forget to do sth. 忘记要去做的事情。
forget doing sth. 忘记做过的事情。
leave ② v. 离开
leave sp.离开某地;
leave A for B,离开A去B;
leave for B,离开前往B。
e.g. He left for Shanghai last night.
leave属非延续性动词,不能加一段时间的词,表示离开一段时间要用 be away,如 be away for a week “离开了一周”。
leave n. 假期,休假 on leave 在休假
e.g. 我想请两天假。I want to ask for two days’ leave.
18. plane n. 飞机
go to sp. by plane = take a plane to sp.
19. taxi n. 出租车
20. why adv. 为什么
e.g. ---你为什么喜欢孙老师。
Why do you like Miss Sun.
---因为她漂亮! / 因为她的课有趣。
Because she is beautiful./ Because her class is interesting.
why not +V. 原形,常用来表示提出赞同或建议。
Why not write to her ? = Why don’t you write to her.
21. airport n. 机场;航空港
at the airport 在机场
22. hundred num. 百
概数和确数的表达:①表示概数:hundreds/thousands/millions of +可数名词复数
表示确数:基数词+hundred/thousand/million +可数名词复数
e.g. ①它大约是500美元。
It’s about 5 hundred dollars.
There are hundreds of students in the hall.
23. strange adj. 奇怪的;奇异的
e.g. ① 多么奇特的想法!
What a strange idea!
② You mustn’t wear strange clothes at school.
adj. 陌生的
a strange face 一个陌生的面孔
③ The place is strange to me. 我对这个地方不熟悉。(表语)
stranger n. 陌生人
e.g. 在我上学的路上,一个陌生男人跟着我。他很奇怪。我快速的跑开了。我的妈妈经常告诉我不要和陌生人说话。
On my way to school, a strange man followed me. He was strange. I ran away quickly. My mother often tells me not to speak to strangers.
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