2020年仁爱科普版七年级英语上册Unit2 Topic3知识点梳理

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2020年仁爱科普版七年级英语上册Unit2 Topic3知识点梳理


1106170011074400七上Unit2 Topic3 Must we exercise to prevent the flu?
talk with sb和某人谈话 go ahead请吧,说吧,做吧,开始做,着手干 build sb up增强某人的体质
all the time一直 keep away from远离 right now现在,此刻 ring sb up给某人打电话
leave a message留口信 take a message捎口信 give a talk作报告 ask sb for help请求某人的帮助
first aid急救 try to do sth努力/尝试做某事 on one hand...on the other hand... 一方面...,另一方面...
1. Kangkang’s father, Dr. Li, is talking with a journalist on TV. 康康的父亲,李医生正在电视上和一个记者交谈。
talk with sb “和...谈话”
talk about sth “谈论某事”
e.g. I want to talk with my friend. 我想和我的朋友谈话。
e.g. We are talking about the photo of her family. 我们正在讨论她的全家福。
2. What should we do to prevent it? 我们应该做什么来预防它?
★ prevent 动词,意为“防止,阻止,预防” 句型:prevent...(from) doing sth防止...做某事
e.g. We are finding ways to prevent the fire. 我们正在找办法预防火灾。
e.g. Tom’s parents are preventing him (from) running out. Tom的父母正在阻止他跑出去。
3. Finally, we should keep away from crowded places. 最后,我们应该远离人群拥挤的地方。
★ keep away from... “远离...”,相当于stay away from...
e.g. We should keep/stay away from net bars. 我们应该远离网吧。
e.g. Keep away from smoking. 远离吸烟。
★ crowded属于形容词,意为“拥挤的,拥堵的”
e.g. In crowded places like bus stations, you should take care of your things.
4. OK, I’ll ring him up later. 好的,之后我会给他打电话。
★ ring sb或ring sb up都是“给某人打电话”的意思
ring up,如果宾语是代词,要放ring和up中间;如果宾语是名词,放中间和up后面皆可。
e.g. He rings her mother up once a week. = He rings up her mother once a week. 他一周给他妈妈打一次电话。
e.g. Please ring me up when you are free. 请你有空的时候给我打电话。
5. Can I leave a message? 我能留口信吗?
★ leave a message留口信;take/give a message捎口信
6. Please tell me my father not to forget the talk tomorrow afternoon. 请告诉我父亲不要忘了明天下午的报告。
tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事
tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事
e.g. The boy’s mother tells him to come home after school. 这个男孩的母亲告诉他放学后回家。
e.g. The policeman told the boy not to play on the street. 警察告诉男孩不要在街道上玩儿。
7. I’ll give him the message myself. 我会亲自告诉他的。/ 我会亲自给他口信的。
★ 反身代词:表示“...自己”,by oneself靠某人自己,独自
e.g. You must do it yourself. 你必须自己做。
e.g. He can swim by himself. 他能靠他自己游泳。/他能独自游泳。
8. It’s necessary for you to learn about first aid. 了解急救知识对你们来说是很必要的。
★ it’s + 形容词 + for sb to do sth “做某事对某人来说是...”
e.g. It’s easy for Tom to ride a bike. 骑自行车对汤姆来说是容易的。
9. Happiness is important for your health. 快乐对你的健康很重要。
★ 形容词变名词。
happy adj.快乐的,高兴地,幸福的 happiness n.快乐,愉快,幸福
sad adj.悲伤的,难过的 sadness n.悲伤,难过
busy adj.忙的,忙碌的 business n.公事,生意
10. On the other hand, you may feel ill if you are always unhappy. 另一方面,如果你总是不高兴你可能会生病。
★ on one hand,... on the other hand,... “一方面...,另一方面...”
e.g. On one hand, you are a teacher, and on the other hand, you are a good father.
11. You should say no to smoking and drinking. 你应该对吸烟和饮酒说不。
★ say no to ... “对...说不”,这里的to是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词。
e.g. You must say no to him. 你必须对他说不。
say hello to... “向...问好”
say sorry to... “向...道歉”
say thanks to... “向...道谢”
say goodbye to... “向...道别”
12. Don’t work too hard. 不要工作太努力。
★ work hard “努力工作”,study hard “努力学习”
13. Choose a sport that you enjoy and then your exercise will be fun instead of work.
★ instead of “代替,作为...的替换,而不是”,of是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词。
e.g. You should work hard instead of playing computer games. 你应该努力工作,而不是玩电脑游戏。
e.g. Miss Wang is ill. I’ll teach you instead of her. 王老师病了。我会代替她教你们。
14. It is important to drink water when you exercise. 当你锻炼时,喝水是很重要的。
★ it is +形容词+(for sb) to do sth “做某事(对来说)是...”
这个句型中,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式to do sth,for sb可以省略,为了避免头重脚轻,使用it作形式主语,没有词义。此句的真正结构是:To drink water is important. 喝水是重要的。
e.g. It’s necessary for you to learn about first aid. 了解急救知识对你们来说是很必要的。
15. Exercising when you are hurt is bad for your health. 当你受伤运动时对你的健康不好。
★ 此句可以转化为:
Exercising is bad for your health when you are hurt. 当你受伤时,运动对你的健康有害。
★ 动名词doing和动词不定式to do作主语,谓语动词都用三单形式。
e.g. To see is to believe. 眼见为实。
e.g. Staying up late is bad for your health. 熬夜太晚对你的健康有害。


