人教版英语九下Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!单元单元检测(无答案)

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人教版英语九下Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth!单元单元检测(无答案)


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In July,little Helen always goes to see her grandfather. He lives on the farm.On the farm,there are many kinds of _41__. ,such as cows,dogs,cats and sheep. She likes to play with them_ 42_they can make her happy. On the farm,there is also a little _43__ .It has no mother and it__ 44__ plays with other animals. It often 45around alone.This is why Helen likes it.Helen likes it so much that many times she_46_ the elephant how sorry she feels for it and she loves it very much. Gradually it became very_47_ to Helen.When it sees Helen,it will _48__ up to her like a dog. Sometimes Helen sits on the ground reading and the elephant stands by her. .Her grandfather wonders why the elephant likes her so much.Helen's answer is that she loves it.Helen is _49_.We should love and protect animals.They are our good_ 50_.
1.A.birds B.animals C. people D.fishes
2.A.because B.unless C.so D.or
3.A.cat B.cow C.panda D.elephant
4.A.never B.sometimes C.often D. usually
5.A.climbs B.jumps C.flies D.walks
6.A.asks B.notices C. watches D.tells
7.A.cold B.rude C.quiet D.friendly
8.A.look B.run C. get D.cheer
9.A.right B.true C. kind D. wrong
10.A.teachers B.students C.enemies D.friends
(A)In Beijing, the strict garbage sorting rules came out in May, 2020. The rules require
residents to divide their living waste into four: kitchen waste, recyclables, hazardous waste and
other waste. Those who fail to sort garbage may face fines up to 200 yuan. Four colored trash
bins are also required in communities across the capital. People throw their waste in a trash bin
whose color is green, blue, red or gray. Supermarkets, shopping malls and trade markets may
no longer use super thin or free plastic bags.
In recent years, some Chinese cities have been working hard on it. Shanghai has worked with Alipay to create a “Green account” service for its residents since 2016. Account holders get points by correctly sorting their garbage.Through the Alipay app, they can exchange the points for milk, phone cards and other products. The city is asking all of its residents to sort their garbage into four groups: wet, recyclable, harmful and dry. “Green account” garbage sorting can be exchanged for goods. This is the successful Shanghai model.
For example, Shenzhen has been sorting its garbage into the same four groups since 2012. Students there also receive waste- sorting guidebooks that they must study. The same way was put in place in Hangzhou in 2015.
China is improving its waste-sorting efforts. There is still a long way to go. But it's never too late to learn how to sort your trash properly and protect the environment.
If you don't sort your garbage, all of it will go to a landfill These landfills can take up large areas ground that could have been used for planting trees or crops.
1. The underlined word" fines" in Paragraph 1 is closest, in meaning to .
A. Presents в. punishment с. Sale D. pay
2. "Green account" is .
A service which supports garbage sorting
B. an app which makes money
C. an organization that works with Alipay
D. a program that introduces the environmental protection
3. What is the correct order in which these happen?
Shanghai created a “Green account “service,
“Sorting garbage into four groups"came out in Shenzhen.
Hangzhou started its garbage sorting .
Beijing introduced the strict garbage sorting rules,
A.c-b-a-d B.b-c-d-a C.c-b-d-a D.b-c-a-d
Students in Shenzhen receive waste-sorting guidebooks to .
A. love and clean their school
B. prepare for the test
C. learn about and tell others about garbage sorting
D. take part in protecting the animals
5. The purpose of this passage is to .
A. explain the importance of garbage sorting
B. introduce ways of garbage sorting in some cities of China
C. tell the creative way of Green account
D. encourage people to follow the rules of garbage sorting
We all love looking at photos of cute baby animals like this lovely cat. But scientists say that these photos do more than just give us warm and fuzzy feelings inside. Researchers in Japan have found that looking at pictures of cute animals can improve concentration and help us do a better job.
The scientists asked students to play a kid's Operation game. They were asked to use tweezers to get 14 small objects out of the holes on a pretend patient's body. After that, the students were shown three kinds of pictures: pictures of cute kittens, pictures of adult cats,and pictures of yummy food.
When the task was repeated, the students who'd been shown kittens performed 44% better than before. But there was no improvement from the other two groups. A second experiment group had similar results - cuteness improved attention and accuracy!
So next time you've got a test in school, have a quick look at pictures of cute kittens. They just might help you!
1. The picture of the Spiderman will make you feel warm and fuzzy.
2. In the experiment, the students were asked to take out small objects by hand.
3. The students performed almost the same after looking at the pictures of adult cats.
4. All beautiful pictures can help people improve their performance.
5. Looking at pictures of cute animals before an exam might help you get higher marks on the exam.
Having a dream is important, but how does your dream come true?
Be prepared to fail before you succeed
When you decide to go after your dream, you'll not allow anything to stop you or stand in your way. 1. . It's a natural part of life. 2. .You just know you'll have to pick yourself up and continue to work toward your goal.
Be careful when choosing your dreams
Many people dreamed of becoming a pirate(j海盗) when they were young.3. . I use this example to tell you that you should choose a dream that can be realized. You can ask yourself,"What am I doing?", you'll be able to avoid following a wrong dream.
Give your dreams room to grow
4. .But in fact, sometimes you'll find your dreams are impossible to realize, then you need to make some changes. For example, I have dreamed of being a policeman. When I realized that for some reason I can't become a policeman, I decided to make a change.
Understand the cost
.So before following a dream, you should think whether you can afford it or not.
In a word,don't let your dreams disturb your life.
A. Failure doesn't mean it's the end.
B It takes much time and money to make a dream come true.
C But we all know that this dream isn't realistic.
D. Don't give up your dream when you fail or lose your heart.
This means then you've got to be prepared to fail before you finally make it.
Many people refuse to change their dreams because they think this will make them fail.
1.So together our actions can___ ____ _____ and_____ _____ a better future!
2.____ ____ __families that own cars has been growing _____ recently.
3.Not only____he speak English correctly ___ ___ ____speaks it fluently.
4.This art piece is _____ ______ _____ glass.
5.___ ___ ___ the house is an old boat _____ upside down.
(一)Many 1__________ (hear) of shark fin soup. This famous and expensive dish is especially popular in southern China. But do you realize that you 2 ________(kill) a whole shark each time you enjoy a bowl 3_______ shark fin soup?
When people catch sharks, they cut 4____ their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean. This is not only cruel, but also harmful 5______ the environment. 6______ a fin, a shark can no longer swim and 7______(slow) dies.Sharks are at the top of the food chain8 ___ the ocean’s ecosystem. If their numbers drop too low, it 9_______(bring) danger to all ocean life. Many believe that sharks can never be 10______(danger) because they are 11______ (strong) in their food chain. But 12__ fact, around 70 million sharks 13 __________(catch) and traded in this industry every year. The numbers of some kinds of sharks 14_________(fall) by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years.
15______ (environment) protection groups around the world, such 16 ___ WildAid and the WWF, 17________ (teach) the public about “finning”. They 18______ (ask) governments 19_________(develop) laws to stop the sale of shark fins. So far, no scientific studies20________(show) that shark fins are good for health, so why eat them ? Help save the sharks!
(二)做笔记2b(10分)1.The general idea of the article is:
2.Materials used by Jessica Wong:
3.The place where Jessica Wong sell her bags:
4.The reason why Wang Tao hopes to set up a “metal art” theme park:__________________
5.Materials used to build a house by Amy Hayes:_____________________
Do you often throw away things you don’t need anymore ? Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use ? Nothing is a waste if you have a creative mind.
You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes, but she is a most unusual...
How many people are mentioned in the passage? Who are they?
Why do these three people do the things like this?
What materials did Amy Hayes use ?What did she make?
What materials did Jessica Wong use ?What did she make? Where does she sell the bags?
What materials did Wang Tao use ? What did he make?

Write a letter to the city mayor about the problems and your suggestions
.In your letter, describe the environmental problems in your town/ city..
What are the problems?
Where are they?
What or who is causing these problems?
Then, give suggestions or possible ways to solve the problems.


